little voices

Lately I
listen more to the sounds
of the words made by
voices that share
the lovely.
The ones that speak of light.
Today I acknowledged
the recipe that uses both
good and bad in equal parts.
1 cup of helping others feel
supported and loved.
1 / 4  cup play and joy.
A dash of salt.
I walk myself through
the good memories
in my collection of
cherished moments,
in which I was filled
with confidence,
with kind voices.
Lately I
spend time
filling and decorating;
I aim towards growth.
I can look at myself,
bare and raw.
I take in this sight with awe. 
I fill my mind with knowing,
silencing the anxiety and fear.
I self-soothe more than harm.
I believe these little acts
these voices with words
that glow.
I believe they add
to bigger gains.